Pricing Fundamentals

3 weeks online course
for Product Managers and Founders

Pricing is often perceived as a mysterious art, leaving product and business owners to tackle it with gut feeling and improvisation as the only weapon. The result= frustrations and money left on the table. There is a way to stop guessing and setting prices with a rigorous, data-driven strategy. In this course, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to navigate complex pricing decisions with ease.

pricing fundamentals

Our goal is to make pricing less of an art and more of a science. Unlike generic pricing courses, this program is built specifically for product people and founders

For Product Managers and Product Leaders

Product Marketing Managers, Product Owners, … Pricing is the single most important feature of your product. Whether you’re launching new features or refining existing ones, learn how to integrate smart pricing into your product roadmap. 

Founders, Leadership team & Entrepreneurs:

Building your first product or scaling a business, this course will equip you with the skills to make pricing a powerful tool for growth. Our pragmatic approach is unique and aligns a strategic take, with a pragmatic implementation and an impactfulmessage that attracts investors

Who is this course for


3 weeks, live & async work

  • Duration: 3 weeks, fully remote
  • 1 x 90-minute live sessions per week
  • 1 x 60-minutes office hours per week
  • Take-home project based on your product
  • Small classes: max 9 people

Course Content

Master Product Pricing in 3 weeks

Week 1: Why Pricing is Critical

  • The Profit Formula + dealing with the demand curve.
  • Basic mathematical tools review + using excel/google sheet in pricing. 
  • Review of the pricing terminology
  • Case studies: Impact of pricing on a well known digital product
  • Homework presentation: scenari planning of pricing impact on your product

Week 2: Structuring Your Pricing Project

  • Presentation of the The Goal/Strategy/Model framework 
  • How to effectively organizea pricing project from start to finish
  • Presentation of the Product Monetization Canvas
  • Case studies: non typical pricing examples
  • Homework presentation: Pricing and Product goal alignment on your own product

Week 3: Pricing Models & Communication

  • Willingness to pay & price elasticity: capturing external and internal data pragmatically
  • Pricing models review: and how to choose the right one for your product
  • Pricing strategies: Cost-plus, value-based, and more
  • Effectively communicating pricing changes to your internal team and customers
  • Case studies: Same product, same tag, different Pricing Models
  • Homework presentation: Preparing your next price increase

What you will get out of this course:

  • Confidence in Pricing: Learn to make clear, data-driven pricing decisions using the Product Monetization Canvas

  • A Pragmatic toolbox and approach: Apply the learnings immediately on your product through homeworks and projects.

  • Immediate Impact:  Make your product sell better and more attractive to customers and investors.

  • Acquire the right vocabulary: Master essential pricing terminology and confidently discuss business metrics

  • Choosing the Right Strategy: Understand how to select the best pricing model and set prices based on customer value.

  • Career Growth: Strengthen your role and increase your employability, by mastering a skill with high business impact

Next Cohorts

October Course

Starts on: October 28th
Ends on: November 14th

Live sessions: 

Tuesdays 17h00 – 18h30 CEST

Office Hours

Thursdays 17h00 – 18h00 CEST

Total Price:

Regular: 590 EUR

Early Birds*: 390 EUR

* for enrolments until Sept. 15h 2024

** no payment today. You can secure your seat today and pay in the next 10 days or have your company pay directly

November Course

Starts on: November 26th
Ends on: December 12th

Live sessions: 

Tuesdays 17h00 – 18h30 CEST

Office Hours

Thursdays 17h00 – 18h00 CEST

Total Price:

Regular: 590 EUR

Early Birds*: not available

* early bit price not available for these dates

** no payment today. You can secure your seat today and pay in the next 10 days or have your company pay directly

Looking for other dates?

Other  dates will be announced during the next weeks. 

If you’re looking for a specific time-zone, feel free to reach out
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