Can we help you boost your Products' Pricing?

Pricing is often perceived as a mysterious art, but the key lies in knowing how to approach it strategically.

With experience from numerous similar projects, we’ve cultivated a proprietary methodology based on the Product Monetization Canvas and a well-defined service offering that supports you through every pricing challenge.

Changing prices every 10 years? Or 5 years? or 1 year? 

Good pricing is adapted continuously! When did you last work on your pricing?

Is your pricing and your pricing process correct? Would you like to receive concrete guidance for improvement?

  • Covers: Based on our proprietary “Pricing Radar” framework.
  • Interactions: Asynchronous self-assessment + interviews
  • Delivery includes: a written report + a debriefing session
  • Best for: B2B & B2C tech companies of all stages and sizes
  • Turnaround time: 1 to 2 weeks from engagement to results

Pricing Assessment

Express Pricing Session

Do you have a specific question or challenge about your pricing or how you manage your prices in your organization? 

  • Covers: One hot topic about your product pricing or one question
  • Includes: A brief preparation before the session + 1:1 session with one of our pricing strategists
  • Format & Billing: unlimited time with us. YES! we take all the time you need to go through your question and we give you a first concrete and actionnable answer! No hourly invoicing!

Having strong pricing is a marathon, not a sprint. While you stay in the driver’s seat, our Pricing Support service offers on-demand assistance to your teams.

  • Covers: Expert guidance and support for your products
  • Interactions: On-demand access to a senior Pricing Strategist.
  • Best for: supporting your existing product/marketing/sales teams or if you lack an internal dedicated pricing team.
  • Engagement: Minimum 3 months engagement, fully remote.

Pricing Support

Pricing Clinics

Whether you’re launching a new product, refining your strategy, or recognizing the need for a pricing overhaul, it’s the perfect time to approach your product’s pricing strategically alongside your team.

  • Covers: Based on “Product Monetization Canvas“, our structured and proven methodology
  • Interactions: Workshop-based
  • Delivery includes: a first version of your new pricing
  • Best for: Startup founders, leadership retreats, product & marketing teams, and sales teams.
  • Duration: 2 to 4 weeks

Ready to redesign your pricing strategy? Pricing Blueprint is our à-la-carte offering including comprehensive support throughout the entire pricing exercise: from strategy formulation and design to implementation.

  • Covers: A la carte offering incl. Support to Pricing Strategy / Pricing Models / Data acquisition/ Market analysis / Qualitative & Quantitative estimations / Price Setting
  • Format: Hands-on execution support, including rigorous data gathering and analysis
  • Collateral benefit for you: Continuous enhancement of your internal capabilities as we work together
  • Duration: 3 to 12 months, depending on scope

Pricing Blueprint

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