How is your Product Organization Doing?

Slow deliveries? Unhappy customers? People spinning in circles? The symptoms of a broken or suboptimal Product Organization vary.  You have probably already tried: 

  • Shuffling Org chart & titles
  • Fixing Job descriptions & hiring new staff
  • Going “agile” with  “2 weeks sprints”. 
.. but it didn’t really help, did it?
A healthy and scalable Product Organization is about clear objectives, a focused strategy, and aligned teams.

Whether you’re fixing a broken system or transitioning to a new stage, such as establishing a proper product function, we can help. With a proven, structured, and business-centric approach, we help you create a product organization that enables you to deliver products faster, and with greater joy for customers and employees.

The Product Value Triangle®

A healthy product organization is a real asset: for creating value for your customers, employees, and shareholders. And you…

… are you managing your product organizations with an Org-Chart… or with clear metrics and goals?

Is your Product organization fit for a modern way of working?

With a proven and structured approach, We evaluate your product organization by conducting stakeholder interviews, reviewing workflows, and analyzing performance data to pinpoint areas for improvement.


    • Covers: All the areas of our Product Organization Maturity framework
    • Interactions: Asynchronous self-assessment + interviews
    • Delivery includes: a written report + a debriefing session
    • Best for: mid and large size companies with established product department and for scaleups building their first product organization
    • Turnaround time: 2 to 4 weeks

Product Organization Assessment

Product Objectives & Goals

The key of a working Product Organization, is to be able to count on a team of professionals pulling in the same direction.

We work with you to define clear, measurable objectives and goals through workshops and strategic planning sessions. By establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and aligning them with your business strategy, we ensure your teams are focused and accountable.

    • Covers: Identification, Quantification, Communication, and Implementation of Product Goals & Objectives
    • Metrics Fully customized to your organization, industry and product

One team per product or per technology? Functional or cross-functional teams? Shall Mobile apps be developed by a different team? Well… it depends!

We help you design a scalable product organization by mapping out roles and responsibilities, optimizing team structures, and creating efficient workflows. Because there is no right and wrong, but the right set-up for your product can make a huge difference.

    • Covers: Team organization, Product Team Processes , Roles, Flows.
    • Format: Fully customized for your organization and product
    • Duration: 2 to 6 months (depending on team size)

Product Organization Design

Product Leadership Transition

A recent change in the product leadership team? Or a change that will come following a promotion or a sabbatical leave? Preparation is key.

We support new product leaders by providing personalized onboarding plans, leadership coaching, and transitional roadmaps. This helps them understand their roles, integrate smoothly, and drive the organization forward without disruption.

    • Covers: Anticipation of leadership change, coaching to entering leaders, preparation & roadmap
    • Format: Fully customized for the organization and entering leader
    • Interactions: 1-2-1 sessions with the entering leader; C-suite support; team interactions as needed

Training and classes are good, but they often lack real-world application. What you learn in classes is either difficult to apply or quickly forgotten. That’s why our approach to growing teams and their skills involves hands-on support during their actual work.

We enhance your team’s skills through talent shadowing programs, where our experts work alongside your team members. With 4-hands work and real-time feedback during product development cycles, we ensure more than permanent learning: immediate organizational relief, product improvement, and lasting process changes come as a positive collateral effect of having a top-class expert working directly with your team.

  • Covers: “on the job” training & boosting, 4-hands work on your product
  • Interactions: Weekly 1-on-1 session with the Talents in the program
  • Format: one-talent-at-time or full-team shadowing
  • Duration: 3 to 12 months

Talent Shadowing

Support to Hiring

Hiring top product people is not like classic hiring. It’s a subtle balance of soft skills, hard skills, and industry knowledge that is difficult to discern on the surface.

We assist in your hiring process by defining role requirements, creating targeted job descriptions, and conducting second-level candidate interviews. Our approach ensures you attract and retain top talent that aligns with your company culture and strategic objectives.

      • Covers: Second stage interviews & assessment. Hunting and first-stage interviews possible through our vetted partners
      • Job definition & Job description full customized to the role and organization
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