being #credible as a product person
⚡ Here is a short outburst about PM credibility (with a concrete suggestion at the end 😎 ) ⚡
One of the dangerous things about #productmanagement , #ux and #design, is that it is that everybody feels the right to have an opinion about your product. Everybody “knows what you should do” better. An opinion about a color, a feature that shall be there or not, an opinion about what customers (supposedly) want, and an opinion about what shall be developed next. Sounds familiar?
In #productmanagement entry barriers are often perceived as low by the external world, where in reality they are not. Why do we hear stakeholders say “You should develop feature X” to a PM, but we don’t hear telling a CFO “You should do your financial books this way”? Or “you should operate this way” to a doctor?
Some jobs are perceived as requiring concrete expertise, something you don’t improvise.
As a PM/UX/Designer be the first to consider #productmanagement, #productdesign, #ux a full discipline where facts matter. Be proactive, bring evidence and solid facts to the table, think “value”, stay away from “low-hanging fruits” and be consistent with your #productdiscovery. Others will follow naturally.
#product #staycredible
Originally published on Linkedin at

My name is Salva, I am a product exec and Senior Partner at Reasonable Product, a boutique Product Advisory Firm.
I write about product pricing, e-commerce/marketplaces, subscription models, and modern product organizations. I mainly engage and work in tech products, including SaaS, Marketplaces, and IoT (Hardware + Software).
My superpower is to move between ambiguity (as in creativity, innovation, opportunity, and ‘thinking out of the box’) and structure (as in ‘getting things done’ and getting real impact).
I am firmly convinced that you can help others only if you have lived the same challenges: I have been lucky enough to practice product leadership in companies of different sizes and with different product maturity. Doing product right is hard: I felt the pain myself and developed my methods to get to efficient product teams that produce meaningful work.