
Canva announces a 5x Price increase. Really?

Canva just announced a (massive) price increase, sparking reactions ranging from frustration to… well, more frustration! But let’s take a step back and analyze this with a bit more objectivity (and a key takeaway at the end 👇). TBH, Canva has always been a bargain. Their free plan is incredibly generous, and the paid plan […]

Oasis Reunion: when dynamic pricing hurts

It’s funny how dynamic pricing has evolved. A few years ago, it was an obscure strategy used by a select few businesses, mainly airlines. Now, as it becomes more common, people are starting to grasp what it means in their wallets, shifting the attention from revenue to fairness. The Oasis reunion is making headlines these […]

Pricing as a feature: Monetizing commodity SaaS products – with Neeraj Singh, CEO @ Neeto

Welcome to the Reasonable Product Podcast! I’m your host, Salva, and today we’re diving into the intricate world of monetizing commodity digital products. I’m thrilled to have Neeraj Singh, the CEO of Neeto and Bigbinary, joining us to discuss this complex and somehow misunderstood topic. In our discussion, Neeraj and I explored the challenges and […]

Pricing Hardware and Hardware+Software Products – Part 3

Opportunities and Complexities in the Energy Industry. Introduction In the first part of this three-part Deep-Dive, we explored different pricing models available for Hardware and Hardware + Software Products. In the second part, we looked into the consumer value, the risks, and opportunities arising from the different hardware pricing models. To complete this Deep-Dive, this […]

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