
Pricing Hardware and Hardware+Software Products – Part 3

Opportunities and Complexities in the Energy Industry. Introduction In the first part of this three-part Deep-Dive, we explored different pricing models available for Hardware and Hardware + Software Products. In the second part, we looked into the consumer value, the risks, and opportunities arising from the different hardware pricing models. To complete this Deep-Dive, this […]

Product Monetization Guide: The Pricing Model (vs Pricing Strategy)

Pricing is one of the most important features of your products, representing a significant part of how your customers interact with your company and products. With pricing strategies, pricing models include many elements that, when defined consistently, constitute the pricing of your products. I have already written a full article about pricing strategies called “Product […]

Pricing Hardware and Hardware+Software Products – Part 1

Part 1- Review of Hardware and Hardware+Software pricing options Introduction Business models in hardware have undergone a significant transformation over the last couple of decades. We’ve moved from a simpler world where hardware was primarily sold outright—akin to purchasing a music CD—to a realm where hardware and software are increasingly integrated and calling for integrated […]

Pricing Models for AI Products

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) gains momentum, a diverse array of companies are seizing the opportunity to develop innovative AI-based products. Recently, I’ve had the privilege of discussing revenue models and monetization strategies with several of these organizations. While traditional pricing strategies are fundamentally relevant, AI products require careful consideration of specific factors to determine the […]

What’s the ideal frequency for tweaking your product’s pricing and offering? 🤷‍♂️

I hear people scared about “playing too often with pricing”, and others who see there an opportunity. Well, you’re all right! The right frequency largely hinges on the specific elements of pricing you’re looking to adjust. Here’s a breakdown: ✔ 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 📈: Adjusting your price points, can happen as often as every second, as in […]

The Price Display Dilemma: Unveiling the Pros and Cons of Revealing Prices Online

Shall companies display their prices online upfront or keep them hidden? Companies, in particular the digital ones, invest massively in making products “self-service” to reduce the need for salespeople’s during the purchase journey. At the same time, consumers demand instant information and transparency about the products and services they’re interested in. The question of whether […]

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