
Pricing Maturity – The 4 A for strategic pricing organizations

When it comes to becoming true pricing champions, full pricing maturity does not come overnight. Companies must evolve through distinct stages to build a solid foundation and ultimately achieve mastery in pricing. Below are the four key levels of the Pricing Maturity Pyramid that organizations move through on their journey toward strategic pricing excellence: 1. […]

🗺️Roadmaps Still Shine – Don’t let (fake) agility justifications fool you!

Have you already heard the clumsy excuse  “We don’t have any roadmaps, we’re agile!” 😯 ? Roadmaps are great companions for agility. Learn how to answer those who would like you to believe the opposite, or disguise a lack of planning as agility. ⛔ Beware – controversial thoughts below this line. Read at your own […]

Who owns pricing?

Diving into an intriguing old McKinsey report on pricing ownership within organizations https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/06/unlocking-the-potential-of-pricing.pdf I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at some “notable missing” pieces in the puzzle 😯 . Back in 2016, the spotlight didn’t even touch the product realm! The debate was mainly between Marketing or Sales. That’s all! How have things changed since? Shall […]

Is alignment overrated?

I don’t believe that alignment is overrated but is absolutely true that alignment without understanding is counterproductive. You’d think you’re aligned, while in reality, everybody is pulling in a different direction. That’s why I usually force the understanding and clarity part, by pushing a comparative/trade-off approach. To take your example on aligning on a top […]

Pricing is not based on cost

Pricing is not based on cost… not on management’s gut feeling This post originally appeared on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jesperlhansson_bart-knows-activity-7050681190395105280-ux65 Salva BocchettiMy name is Salva, I am a product exec and Senior Partner at Reasonable Product, a boutique Product Advisory Firm. I write about product pricing, e-commerce/marketplaces, subscription models, and modern product organizations. I mainly engage […]

2023 product #wishes

For this new year starting, I wish to my fellow product folks out there: Did I miss anything? Feel free to add your wishes to the list with a comment! #productmanagement #work #product #comment #impact Originally published on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7015667856600113153 Salva BocchettiMy name is Salva, I am a product exec and Senior Partner at […]

Faster than you in #productdiscovery

👉 Dear Product team, if you don’t take the time to do #productdiscovery and talk with your customers regularly, somebody in the C-suite (or sales) will do it for you.And will tell you exactly what to develop 😊 #productmanagement #productdesign #agile #forewarnedisforearmed #product Originally posted on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7024304618658496512, Salva BocchettiMy name is Salva, I […]

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