
Are Senior PMs busier than Junior PMs?

Many professionals place great importance on titles, especially when they include terms like “strategic.” However, what is often overlooked is that having a strategy role is about genuinely having a plan and understanding how to align the pieces effectively to maintain control. In my daily interactions, particularly with Product Managers, I’ve noticed a telling difference […]

It’s easy to feel busy

It’s easy to feel busy, and let’s admit it, there’s a certain satisfaction in ticking off a long list of tasks. “Wow, I did so many things today!” 😅 I believe it’s a common misconception that important people should always be busy. In truth, the most impactful individuals aren’t those who are constantly busy; they […]

Is alignment overrated?

I don’t believe that alignment is overrated but is absolutely true that alignment without understanding is counterproductive. You’d think you’re aligned, while in reality, everybody is pulling in a different direction. That’s why I usually force the understanding and clarity part, by pushing a comparative/trade-off approach. To take your example on aligning on a top […]

Faster than you in #productdiscovery

👉 Dear Product team, if you don’t take the time to do #productdiscovery and talk with your customers regularly, somebody in the C-suite (or sales) will do it for you.And will tell you exactly what to develop 😊 #productmanagement #productdesign #agile #forewarnedisforearmed #product Originally posted on Linkedin at, Salva BocchettiMy name is Salva, I […]

Product Management: low-hanging fruits are poisoned

A quick guide for Product Managers and Business people to get priorities right and avoid playing a lose-lose game Some expressions, jokes, and ways of working are part of company slang and just feel normal “corporate life”, doesn’t matter the company or industry you work for. One of those expressions is “Low hanging fruit” (LHF).  […]

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